gps tracking for the duke of Edinburgh award.

Duke of Edinburgh students can greatly benefit from using GPS trackers for enhanced safety, accurate navigation, and real-time location monitoring during their expeditions. With reliable GPS tracking, participants can stay on course, receive assistance quickly in case of an emergency, and provide reassurance to parents and supervisors. Geo Tracks’ robust, multi-network trackers ensure seamless connectivity in remote areas, adding an extra layer of security and confidence as students explore the outdoors.

We provide gps tracking for Dofe individuals or groups of any size, any where, any time!

  • Geo Tracks supplies a simple solution for GPS tracking young persons on DofE expeditions.

    Our trackers are lightweight, have long battery lives and just take one quick press of the button to turn on.

    Once turned on the trackers will appear on your live view tracking map URL link. This can be viewed on your smartphone or laptop.

    Our trackers work via the mobile network on any provider and get signal in most locations in the UK, Europe and internationally.

  • Geo Tracks operates a simple hire pricing structure.

    1-2 day expeditions. £15 per tracker

    3-5 day expeditions. £20 per tracker

    Courier fee (delivery and return) £25.

    All prices ex VAT

    Please get in touch for costs on longer hire periods

    We also offer trackers for sale. Please enquire HERE.

  • Click on a students tracking icon to see:

    • Last Ping. The tracker icon shows the last position of the tracker along with the time stamp of its lasts ping

    • Breadcrumb. Shows all the pings made by the tracker during the session. Hover over a ping dot to see the time stamp

    • What 3 Words. Gives a link and the W3W reference for quick sharing

    • Total Hits. Shows how many times the tracker icon has been clicked on

    Other features

    • Choice of base map. OS mapping is selected as the standard for DofE

    • View on a smartphone via the issued URL or via the Geo Tracks app

    • Easy share QR code

    • Option to upload a route and checkpoints to the base map

    • Option to name match trackers to groups

    • Complete the booking request form at the bottom of this page or email us on with the information requested on the booking form

    • Geo Tracks will issue you a quote

    • Accept the quote (there is an accept button on the emailed quote)

    • Geo Tracks will send out the trackers by courier before your expedition and will email a ‘Live View Tracking map’ URL link with instructions on how to turn the trackers on/off and other useful information

    • The invoice is sent out post expedition

  • When using the Geo Tracks system organisers have the option to encrypt the ‘Live view tracking map’ URL using a 4 - 6 digit code.

    Anyone with the link wishing to view the live tracking must input the correct code to view.

    Its the responsibility of the organisers to issue both the link and the code to viewers.

  • If you are using GPS trackers more than three times a year it might be a good idea to purchase your own fleet of our Geo Tracks GPS trackers. We provide both the hardware and software for independent operation as part of our Fleet Purchase package. Please send Geo Tracks an email if you would like to find out more.


  • We typically courier trackers 7 days pre your expedition date. They take about 3 days to arrive.

    Your email address will be entered into the courier booking so you will receive updates from them.

    Once your booking request has been submitted we will see if we can save any courier fees if your expedition dates are close together. We will include a multi charger so you can charge the trackers between expeditions.

    The courier fee is typically £25 plus vat for a 2 way delivery.

    To return the trackers to us we will email you a shipping docket to print out and secure in the shipping document holder on the box. You then drop the box at a UPS shipping pick up shop. You can search for your closest drop shop here:

  • Geo Tracks will invoice your organisation post your expedition via the details and email address supplied when making the booking.

    Invoices are issued on 30 days payment terms.

    Please make sure you let us know if a PO number is needed and who to make the invoice payable to.


  • Geo Tracks uses its own branded GT60 2G/4G GPS Tracker.

    The tracker acquires its position by using the Global Positioning System (Satellites) and then relaying that position via the 2G/4G data network to the Geo Tracks server / the Live View Tracking Map

    Our trackers are unique from mobile phones in that they use multi-network SIM cards and send very small packets of data. They typically can continue to provide their tracking service when most mobile phones are out of service.

  • The SOS feature does not come as standard and has to be requested to be turned on by the organisers. There is no extra charge for the service.

    The round button in the middle of the tracker is depressed and held for down for 3 seconds. The lights on the tracker will then flash alternatively for 5 seconds.

    The tracker will then send a SOS that will appear on the Live View Tracking Map as a flashing red alert icon on the map. Click the icon to view the alerts.


    • Organisers are entirely responsible for management and response to a SOS alert.

    • Geo Tracks does not monitor the SOS service

    • SOS buttons can often be trigged by mistake. It is suggested that the organisers brief participants to activate the SOS every 5 minutes if assistance is required

    • The tracker needs to be in a area of signal for the SOS alert to send

    • The organisers should have a clear protocol in place with participants regarding the use and response to activating the SOS button

  • Yes! Please send your GPX file to Geo Tracks and we can load it onto the Live View Tracking Map.

    Please note we can only use GPX files. They are very easy to create using free online platforms such as Plot a Route

  • Yes!

    Please supply the locations as what 3 words (W3W) references along with the Check Point name/number. You can supply this in a list in a email or download this CSV sheet , fill in and return it via email. Make sure you state which DofE the check points are for.

    On the W3W website, you can use the ‘copy’ button to copy the W3W reference in the correct format.

    Please don’t include the http//. Just copy and paste the 3 words. For example ///clip.apples.leap (it does not matter if you have the /// or not).

    Don’t type the words as these are often mis-typed. Use the copy button (icon looks like two sheets of paper off-set, on top of each other) on the W3W

  • All out trackers should arrive with you fully charged.

    Typically the battery will last for 40 hours (from when its turned on) on a location update rate of once every 30 seconds (the ping rate)

    If a longer battery time is required we can adjust the ping rate to a longer period and set the tracker to ‘Sleep’ when not moving.

    Battery % can be seen by clicking the trackers icon on the live view tracking map.

  • To turn on:

    Press the round button once. The trackers are very easy to turn on. You do not have to take the tracker out of it protective case. The yellow and blue lights will flash when turned on, then go solid once they have found there signal.

    To turn off:

    Press the round button 6 times fairly quickly (faster than once a second). Both lights will flash in unison 5 times then go out. The trackers are quite hard to turn off (deliberately) but keep trying!

    To turn back on wait for 60 seconds then press once to turn on.

  • Geo Tracks provides a WhatsApp support number for organisers should they need to get in touch.

    The number is supplied to the person who made the booking.

  • Geo Tracks will provide the organisers with URL link that can be viewed on a smart phone and or a laptop.

    The URL will show Geo Tracks ‘Live View Tracking Map’.

    Trackers will appear as orange marker icons marked with a number or a name of the participants.

    The tracking can also be shown on the Geo Tracks app by request. Please note that any one with the app would be able to view the tracking map (unless a pin code is requested).

  • As standard the trackers are set to send their location back to the Geo Tracks server once every 30 seconds. Click on a participants tracking icon to see when their last ping time was. Ping time should be shown relative to your time zone.

  • Yes!

    Please send a CSV or excel file of the participants or groups name and the number you would like them to have.

    The trackers are supplied labelled from 1 upwards.

  • No. The trackers themselves have a IP65 rating (dust tight and watertight against light pressure water spray)

    Geo Tracks supplies trackers in a ‘Weatherproof’ bag suitable for land-based outdoor activities.

    Geo Tracks does have specific waterproof bags for water-based activities. Please request these if needed.

    Any water damage to the GPS trackers will be charged for.

  • What 3 Words (W3W) is a quick, accurate and easy way to communicate a location with a 3rd party, such as emergency services or other organisers.

    To see the W3W location of a tracker, click on the tracker icon on the Live View Tracking Map then click on the W3W icon.

    For more information on W3W please visit their website HERE

  • The tracker is 78mm x 39mm x 29mm and weighs 144g.

  • The base map is the background map that the tracker icons are overlayed onto.

    Geo Tracks uses OS maps as default for DofE tracking.

    The OS maps scroll through from road map to 1:25,000 as the user zooms in.

    OS maps can take slightly longer to load and require a good mobile signal for the user. Geo Tracks can supply other quicker to load and simpler base maps if requested. Goggle satellite maps and street maps are also available.

DofE Booking request Form

Once submitted Geo Tracks will review the information and send out a quote via email. Please accept the quote to confirm the booking.

we know tracking